Friday, December 31, 2010

Miller ends challenge in US Senate race

Republican Joe Miller said today, nearly two months after Alaskans concluded voting, that he is giving up his fight challenging the election of Sen. Lisa Murkowski.

Miller thanked his supporters and said the time has come to accept the "practical realities" of court decisions that have been unanimous in ruling against his challenge. He said he would remain a voice for smaller government, less federal spending and other issues favored by the tea party.

At his first formal news conference since Oct. 11, which he left without taking questions, Miller said that he believes he raised legitimate issues in his case against the state's election officials.

Earlier today, he told an interviewer on Fox News Channel that he thought he didn't stand a good chance at the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which he termed "liberal."

Miller, a self-proclaimed expert in constitutional law, had his challenges to Murkowski's election thrown out by an Alaska Superior Court judge from Ketchikan, a unanimous Alaska Supreme Court, and a U.S. District Court judge in Anchorage. The federal judge, Ralph Beistline, said the case against Miller was so overwhelming that he ruled before the state even filed all its arguments opposing Miller's claims.

He last met Alaska reporters in a press conference setting after a debate at the Dena'ina Convention Center in Anchorage on Oct. 11. But at that event, he spoke for about five minutes, during which he criticized the media and said he wouldn't answer any more questions about his character or background. He then turned and rushed out a back stairwell that led to the street while aides blocked reporters from following him.

State officials said Murkowski received 10,252 more votes than Miller in her historic write-in victory.

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