Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Associated Press

(01/04/11 20:35:26)

Savoonga is seeking disaster help from the state.

The request asks Alaska Gov. Sean Parnell to declare a state disaster emergency and provide disaster assistance to the city for emergency response and disaster recovery.

A storm more than a week ago brought high winds and extremely cold temperatures to the community on St. Lawrence Island in the Bering Sea southwest of Nome. The storm also sprayed the village with salt water that coated and froze on electrical transmission lines, causing power outages that lasted for days.

The loss of power also led to frozen and broken water pipes in some homes.

The Alaska Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management is sending a team to Savoonga to assess the situation. The team was to leave today and then report back to the governor. About 700 people live in Savoonga.

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