Friday, January 7, 2011

Upcoming Fish and Game Advisory Committee meetings

On Wednesday, Bill Folsom, Jeff Tuttle, Kathy Thompson, Gerrit Dykstra and Eric Beckman were elected for three year seats on the Mat Valley Fish & Game Advisory Committee in a meeting at Wasilla High. Ben Allen and Keith Westfall were elected as one-year alternates. The current chairman, Stephen Darilek, was nominated but not re-elected. Neither was Debra Criss.

Folsom was elected chairman group.

Other upcoming meetings in the region include:

• Kodiak Fish & Game Advisory Committee will meet at 2 p.m. Sunday at the Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge Visitors Center located across from the ferry terminal on Center Street. Under discussion will be the findings of a work group on the possible listing of the Karluk River king salmon as a stock of concern under the sustainable fisheries policy. The state fish board will tackle this topic at its meeting in Kodiak next week. For further information, contact Duncan Fields at 486-6393 or 486-8835 or group secretary Len Schwartz at 486-4842 or advisory committee chair Oliver Holm at 486-6957.

• Kenai/Soldotna Fish & Game Advisory Committee will meet at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday at the CIAA building on Kalifornsky Beach Road to prepare comments for Upper Cook Inlet board of fisheries proposals. For more information contact Mike Crawford at 252-2919.

• Homer Fish & Game Advisory Committee will hold an election meeting 6 p.m. Jan. 18 at the NERRS building on Kachemak Drive. Also on the agenda will be discussion of fish and game board proposals. For more information contact Marv Peters at 235-2468 or 235-8612.

• Seward Fish & Game Advisory Committee will meet at 7 p.m. Jan. 20 at Seward City Council chambers. Agenda will be election of officers and board of game comment preparation. For information contact Jim McCracken at 362-3701.

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