Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Crab claws and reindeer 'grenades' SUPER BOWL FOOD: Alaska's best treats for final football game of season.

When the game starts Sunday, what food will you have within arm's reach? If you only said "chips," may your team be cursed. This isn't some preseason meet-and-greet, it's the Super Bowl -- and it deserves snacks as stupendous as football's ultimate showdown.

Celebrate with local fare that will make it a game to remember -- even if the score reads 45-3 by the end of the first quarter.

New Sagaya has this season's Alaskan golden king crab legs at $14.99 a pound. Or you can fire up the deep-fryer and enjoy piping hot Alaskan cod fillets (fresh!), $5.99 a pound. For something more nibble-like, there's Hawaiian style tuna poki for $8.99 pound. The seafood department will be making tako poki and sashimi dishes for the big game. There will also be a variety of shrimp to choose from.

"If the weather holds," New Sagaya's John Jackson adds, "we should see some fresh Alaskan troll caught king salmon and fresh rock fish fillets making an appearance as well. Live clams, oysters and mussels will be in the live tank, great for cooking up for the big weekend. We should also be seeing fresh Hawaiian tuna and reef fish" in time for the game.

Dannon Southall, at 10th & M Seafood confirms successful catches of winter king salmon from Southeast. "You could unearth the BBQ everyone has on their deck and grill up either the red or white king for this weekend." Call ahead for the whites, though, as they're limited. Fresh head-on troll kings are $14.95 a pound, $19.95 a pound for fillets. Fresh true cod fillets are $5.50 a pound and live Alaskan oysters are $10.95 a dozen.

For appetizers (or meals) 10th & M has frozen shrimp, with Alaskan spot shrimp at $14.95 a pound and side stripes for $9.95 a pound. "We will also have large cooked tiger prawns for $11.95 a pound," Southall says.

AD Farms will be at the Northway Mall market today, as every Wednesday, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., with all kind of grown-in-Alaska pork for grilling indoors or out: chops, picnic roasts, steaks, breakfast patties, breakfast sausage, spicy sausage, Italian sausage and ground pork. More about that in a minute. Also, fresh eggs. "The 'ladies' are still laying eggs like mad," says Alex Davis, "so we should have about 100 dozen or so." Plus certified organic; purple carrots, red beets, golden beets, chieoggia beets, cylendra beets, several kinds of potatoes, cabbage, parsnips, and kohlrabi.

Duane Clark will also be there with Alaskan grass-fed beef -- steaks, roasts and burgers, as well as seafood ranging from halibut cheeks to king salmon filets, smoked salmon, shrimp and scallops. Honey is back in stock and there are plenty of dairy products from Matanuska Creamery (celebrate the final winning touchdown with Alaskan ice cream!) and Hydrolicious fresh microgreens.

Clark will soon have chicken, though not in time for Sunday's festivities. "These birds are free range and fed a diet consisting of fresh sprouted Alaskan barley," he says. "They will be ready in mid-April and can be reserved by a down payment at the market." Get more information at

Still at the Northway Mall today, the Rempel Family Farm has carrots, parsnips, red, cylinder and Chioggia beets and seven kinds of potatoes. So even your veggie tray and french fries can be all-Alaskan.

But what about friends and fans far away? Fishex has "Super Bowl Specials" on Alaska seafood packs ready to ship. Leading the list is the "VIP Box" of "broken" king crab, which is the tips, knuckles and claws of the tasty crustacean broken into bite-size pieces, $14.95 a pound. Appetizer-sized king and rock crab cakes are also marked down to $11.01 a dozen.

Other ship-out products include Pubhouse battered halibut fillets, a variety of smoked salmon delicacies, Alaska reindeer sausage, mild and hot, and breakfast-style reindeer patty sausage.

There's still time to get it delivered overnight to your Lower 48 friends in most locations. Find out more at, or call 770-1660 (888-926-3474).

We've received news that the 45th Pillsbury Bake-Off Contest is now open for entries, and they're handing out $1 million in prizes in various categories. Submit your recipe and get the rules (you need to use one of the associated products from a list) at by April 18. The finals will take place in Florida in March, 2012.

Just don't submit the recipe that I entered. I'll divulge it here with a few tweaks only because it's guaranteed to blow your friends' minds and taste-buds when you serve them at half-time.

Bacon grenades

1 pound Italian, spicy or reindeer patty sausage

1/4 cup Jif creamy peanut butter

1 pound peppered bacon

Garlic powder



Chili powder

Louisiana Seasoned Fish Fry (or other breading mix)

Barbecue powder

2 cups Crisco vegetable oil (for frying)

Put the sausage between two sheets of wax paper and flatten with a rolling pin. Take off the top sheet of wax paper. Sprinkle the oregano, basil and chili onto the sausage, unless using Italian or spicy meat. Add the peanut butter dropping it in several different spots. Fold over, put the wax paper back on and roll it flat again. Repeat a time or two and finally flatten it into a sheet about half and inch thick. (If you have an easier way to mix sausage and peanut butter, feel free to try it.)

Set the sausage/peanut butter mix outside to cool. When it's easy to handle, slice into uniform strips from which you can quickly form into small meat balls, no more than 1 inch in diameter.

Roll the balls in the barbecue powder. Wrap each in 1/2 slice of bacon. Hold the bacon in place with a toothpick "pin." Roll the bacon-wrapped ball in the breading and fry in oil at 350 to 375 degrees. If you don't have a deep-fryer use a cast iron Dutch oven. Because of the small size of each grenade, this part will only take a few minutes -- although preparation is certainly time consuming. Check the internal temperature of one of the grenades to make sure it reaches 170 degrees.

These can be made in advance and reheated in a microwave to eat during the game. Serve with your choice of dipping sauces, like barbecue, salsa or ranch. Pull the toothpick "pin" and let it explode in your mouth!

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