Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Miller ends 2010 with $825,000 in bank, report shows

JUNEAU -- Failed U.S. Senate candidate Joe Miller ended 2010 with about $825,000 in the bank -- more than twice that of his Republican rival, Sen. Lisa Murkowski.

Federal financial disclosures show Murkowski had about $321,060.

Miller has not said whether he'll seek another political office, possibly challenging U.S. Sen. Mark Begich, D-Alaska, in 2014, or U.S. Rep. Don Young, a fellow Republican, in 2012.

Miller has said he wants to remain a part of the political debate. An aide said Monday that Miller hadn't decided his future plans.

A campaign aide to Murkowski, Mary K. Hughes, said Tuesday that Murkowski had raised nearly $61,000 for her legal defense fund between Nov. 23 and Dec. 31, the period covered in the report. During that time, Hughes said more than $10,000 in contributions also came in that will go toward Murkowski's 2016 campaign.

Miller's report shows he took in about $11,500 in total receipts during the reporting period. He also reported $24,375 in contribution refunds. In at least some cases, the report notes, contributions were redesignated to a "recount fund."

A Miller aide did not immediately return a call Tuesday.

Murkowski and Miller raised money after the election to cover legal bills related to Miller's challenge of the state's handling of the race. Three courts refused to overturn results favoring Murkowski, and Miller conceded Dec. 31.

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